

The Real Health Benefits You Can Find In A Cup Of Lemon Grass Tea

A native plant of Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, lemongrass is frequently used in cooking. It has a zesty flavor reminiscent of lemon, and adds a citrusy and bright note to curries and sauces, especially in Thai and Malaysian dishes. However, this herb has become more and more popular in the west not only for its eye opening flavor in cooking, but also for its health benefits and medicinal properties. This grass is capable of growing just about anywhere, which makes it favorably affordable and available.

What is Lemon Grass Tea Good for

Lemongrass is also used frequently in the brewing of tea, which also has a very distinct yet appeasing lemony taste. Drinking lemongrass tea is a good way to get the soothing benefits of this herb on a regular basis. These benefits are many and are definitely worth looking into.

A Calming Sleep Aid

One of the primary reasons why so many people swear by the power of lemongrass tea is for its help in curing insomnia and calming the body down. It is useful for a variety of different sleep disorders. For those that have difficulty getting good rest at night, drinking this tea will help ease and relax the muscles of the body as well as the nerves.

Lemongrass For Digestive Aid

Lemongrass tea works as an effective resolution for many intestinal and digestive problems like diarrhea, gas and bloating. It can also be useful in serving as an aid against nausea or even ease pains experienced during menstruation. Because lemongrass contains a lot of antioxidants, it can help detoxify the body, particularly the digestive system which can help get rid of harmful toxins that may be causing issues.

Utilizing Lemongrass To Lower Cholesterol

Another benefit of this tea is that it also helps to kick start the metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat and cholesterol more efficiently. Many studies have shown that drinking lemongrass regularly is a natural way to decrease cholesterol levels in the body. If you are concerned about high levels of cholesterol and you are looking for an all natural way to take care of it, it may be in good interest to give this tea a try.

How to Make a Perfect Cup of Lemon Grass Tea

Served hot or iced, lemongrass tea is a refreshing accompaniment to many different types of cuisine, or a proper health tonic in its own right. Many people add milk and sugar to their tea once it is brewed, for a smoother treat after meals, or because they find that the milk adds an extra soothing benefit for those trying to use it to get a good night of sleep. Lemongrass tea is safe to drink but is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. Please contact your physician if you feel you have any serious problems that may require professional treatment.

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, this tea can offer a variety of other benefits such as reducing inflammation and even helping to clear up the skin. Even for those who are not in need of an aid for any problems, the tasteful flavor of lemongrass tea still leaves this as an enjoyable drink to try. We hope you’ve found this article informational and able to help answer any questions you might have. If you find yourself with an interest to try lemongrass tea, it can be purchased at local health food or herbal stores. Alternatively, you can also find it easily from online merchants. We recommend Buddha Teas a reliable online store that can get quality products to you promptly and efficiently.

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